by Liz Graf
For permission to reprint and/or any correspondence, contact Liz directly at lizmgraf@gmail.com
When Thank-You Is not Enough
Most mornings as I wake up before sunrise, I love to go into our back room and watch as the […]The Grace of Graciousness
John records for us that one day, during the midst of the Jews’ Feast of the Tabernacles, Jesus went up […]Great Eggs-pectations
Autumn is beginning to present itself once more here on Long Island, bringing with it evocative sights and scents of […]When it Mattered Most
It was an island day, the kind we experience here on Long Island in late spring; it was wild and […]Humility
“At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And […]Posterity Potential
One of the greatest collections of national treasures we as Americans have today are the letters of correspondence between John […]Guesswork
Okay! Let’s get right to it, shall we? If some were completely honest they might have to admit that on […]The Process involved in becoming like Jesus.
(Author’s confession-The most effective teaching about Christ comes from those who embody and model those truths. That acknowledged, I have […]Diva Disorder
There are certain words in the Scriptures with which God only addresses women. Modest is one, incidentally only found one […]The Sparrow
Our chicken coop with its six occupants has apparently drawn the attention of every sparrow on Long Island to come […]A Biblical Approach to Understanding Life
“…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 One of […]“The Cure for a Troubled Heart”
In the fourteenth chapter of John, Jesus is having a heart-to-heart talk with his disciples in the upper room. Just […]“The Value of a Good, Godly Woman” Series
“Principles of Dress” The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God upon humanity. It is peerless among […]“The Value of a Good Christian Woman” Series
“The Effective Christian Woman” The believers in the first century churches distinguished themselves as true disciples of Christ by the […]“The Value of a Good Christian Woman” Series
“The Value of being a Role Model and How to be one!” The virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 is every […]Master Class
A Master Class is an online platform designed so anyone can learn almost anything from the best instructors the world […]And
The little word “and” appears 51, 708 times in the King James Bible. In certain verses it shows up over […]It’s a Grand thing
The way I see it, it is fitting that grandparents and their grandchildren should, at times, be left alone together. […]How to keep moving forward when things go wrong
II Chronicles 20:1-13 As women-we will often encounter problems-things that blindside us-situations God allows in our lives to grow us […]Jochebed
“And when she could no longer hide him…” Exodus 2:3 Moses was born in a time […]To Count it a Privilege
What is it about some married couples that makes it obvious to everyone around them that they just click? I […]“He is More than Enough”
When the Apostle Peter wrote his first letter things were changing for the first century Christians. As the Lord’s churches […]The Most Valuable Church Member
Recently I read an intriguing article entitled, “How to be an Indispensable Asset to your Business.” The feature listed several […]Exceeding Abundantly Faithful – Luke 23
“The dying thief” , so William Cowper’s (1731-1800) powerful, well-known hymn reminds us, “Rejoiced to see that fountain in his […]The Christian’s Conflict John 11
I have learned that each season of life, whether beautiful or heartbreaking, doesn’t come to stay. Every relationship isn’t meant […]When the South Winds Blow
In Acts 27 we read that the Apostle Paul and a shipload of prisoners were headed for Rome. At the […]“Great Expectations” Or “The Folly of Endorsing the False Professor”
In a Sermon Charles Spurgeon preached on a sweltering day the 24th of August, 1856, he stated: “There are, among […]Ruth 1:1-2 Lesson 1
Ruth is a book that tells the story of great changes that took place in the lives of one family. […]Life of Ruth Lesson 2 “A Famine and a Farewell”
As As the book of Ruth opens we are introduced to a little family for whom life, as they knew […]Life of Ruth Lesson 3 “The Confrontation”
Anybody can talk of faith and trusting in the Lord when the sun is shining and the gentle breezes are […]