“The Effective Christian Woman”
The believers in the first century churches distinguished themselves as true disciples of Christ by the way they lived and certainly, by the fervent love they had for each other. Pliny the Younger, a Roman governor of Bithynia-now modern Turkey- wrote extensively during the first century of those early Christians. Renowned historically as the author of famous letters that painted an important picture of the Roman world around his lifetime, he recorded what we would consider to be current events of the day. For example, in one correspondence he claimed Christianity was wreaking havoc on Rome’s economy because many were no longer buying items to offer to the Roman gods! Pliny stated that he could find no fault with the Christians other than their harmless practice of gathering before sunrise every first day of the week and their “depraved, stubborn refusal to worship Roman gods.” Many early writers who observed those first-century Christians testified of their steadfast devotion to Christ in the face of malicious persecution. Following Christ was a reproach to a godless world then as it is now. It meant breaking from the status quo. It meant being different, distinctive, and set apart from the crowd and it means the same today. There is no denying that Jesus’ followers were the salt of the earth, just as Jesus said they should be, and went about proclaiming the life, death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. That said, you must also know, that women were among those who had this testimony and had vital, active roles in the early NT churches.
An effective Christian woman can and should be such an asset wherever she goes and with whomever she comes in contact. God’s Word says-which, by the way, is the operative phrase throughout this lesson, that the highest relevance given to a woman is in the place created for her by God and for which a woman is uniquely designed and capable.
The role reversal between men and women is one of the most crippling aspects of our society today. It reveals a population that has for generations been in outright opposition to the Word of God resulting in a culture that has lost its way and certainly, as we look around us today, we can at least all agree on that. It makes one wonder, if women today intentionally reject the way God intended for them to be: feminine, God-fearing, virtuous, nurturing, motherly, and loving-(not neglecting to note all the diligence, intelligence, and labor those things demand)-how will subsequent generations of young women ever find their way back to what God created them to be?
Moreover, the unavoidable question then becomes; what are we as good, godly, intelligent Christian women doing to influence our generation-especially girls and women all around us? Are we, by our words and actions proving that there is a much more fulfilling way to live life and that there are higher things to aspire to?
We have the answer.
We know it’s not found in education. Education is wonderful and useful in this life. But it’s not the end all.
It’s not found in wealth. It’s nice to have money-to be comfortable in this life. But money will not buy you peace of mind.
It’s not even found in relationships. We all know relationships can fall apart-people change. If you are putting all your hopes and dreams in a relationship the sad truth is sometimes people will fail you. Just as we disappoint people. It’s just the way of things because life changes.
The only way to add lasting and eternal quality to someone’s life is to show them Christ, and hopefully lead them to him. That is the value that God intends for us to bring to this world!
May I speak plainly? Women have lost their standing in our country today. Falling so far beneath the status and repute God intended for them to hold. If you know anything about history- and I’ll speak directly to American history-for decades it was the women in our country that held up the standard for the country morally. It was women who believed in virtue and decency. They had standards. They were keepers at home and their homes reflected that. They wanted churches and schools where their children could be educated. While the men were hanging out in ye olde taverns, or in saloons out west and getting into drunken brawls and gunfights-the women had higher and nobler aspirations. (You know-let me pause here a moment-I think because of the day in which we live I suddenly feel compelled to qualify everything I write-such as-I know not ALL the men folk were rolling around in the dirt on barroom floors-not ALL of the women were nominees
for the “Upstanding Female Citizen of 1865” award …but I know my readers are intelligent, sensible women-so I don’t have to do all of that, right? I do believe what we have read about American history for years is reliable… )
Either we as believers have something to offer the world by way of our beliefs, conduct and appearance, or we do not-which is a terrible testimony for a Christian. Historically, true converts of Christ have not only stood apart from the surrounding culture but won that same culture by the power of their testimonies. The key is to present an authentic, clear, and consistent picture of what a Christian is. There is no time for pettiness-nitpicking and finding faut with one another… things are radically and rapidly changing for Americans. We are in the throes of great flux and overhaul. The Bible says in Jeremiah, “If thou hast run with footmen and they have wearied thee; how canst thou contend with horses?”
We are to be ambassadors for Christ-messengers of the most majestic correspondence. Tragically the world mocks Christianity. Why? What a mixed bag it is! Even in good, Bible preaching churches there are those whose lives do not line up to the Scriptures by their testimonies, attitudes, conduct, dress, and yet- they claim to be saved.
Our faith, our doctrine, and our convictions-the embodiment of all we believe based on the Scriptures matter. The way we dress, the way we present ourselves, the courtesies, and manners with which we conduct ourselves all pointing to the uncompromising stand we take on the Bible- all matter a great deal. To summarize, we should live godly lives as Christians. If people accuse us let it be for our unwavering faith in Christ and the testimony of a truly converted life which bears witness that, as our first-century ancestors, we belong to him.
To my way of thinking-Christians should be first-class. And class acts may be hard to follow, but it is undeniable that people will want to become involved in your sphere of influence if you are one. So, the question begs to be asked, “What kind of influence do you have for Christ? Are you, as a professing Christian, an effective Christian woman? Are you known for your godly, good testimony and influence? How much Christian quality do you bring to the lives of others?
When Paul addressed the early Christians in writing to Titus, he gave instructions so that they (we) would all know the godly standards by which they were to live their lives. In other words, their conversion would definitely be revealed by their conduct. But specifically, in Titus two, when he addressed the women, both young and old, he instructed them to live in such a way as one would expect to be becoming of a good, Christian woman and in line with godly principles of living. And he closed out this teaching with these weighty words; “That the Word of God be not blasphemed”.
The thought is this- “Because if you say you are Christ’s and claim he has done the marvelous work of conversion in you-if that’s what you’re saying-your life should prove that. Because to say you have been saved, yet your behavior and words do not demonstrate that– you are presenting the world with a corrupted form of salvation and that is blasphemy. Wow, wow, wow.
We will never influence the world by being like it.
Just some words to consider as these sun-kissed days of summer go sailing by…
Thank you so much for reading,